If you enjoyed The Silver Sorcerer and want to see it reach the Top 25 in the Action Fantasy Tourney, please cast your vote by December 2! You can only vote one time per Tapas account but are given up to three votes that you can use on one story or distribute across multiple stories.
There is now a Voting Raffle, so if you vote (or have already voted), you will have a chance to win 200 Ink!
Hi! Week 2 of the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney Reading Challenge has just begun! From November 18 to 24, you can have a chance to win Ink by reading as many episodes as you can from The Silver Sorcerer and other Week 2 Collection stories.
Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney Reading Challenge details:
The Silver Sorcerer:
If you enjoy reading The Silver Sorcerer and would like to see it in the Top 25 of the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney, you can vote for it here:
You can only vote once per Tapas account and are given three votes in total (you can vote for the same story multiple times or distribute them across different stories). The voting period ends on December 2.
Hi I just carved Xepholen from Infinite Strike into a Pumpkin! I hope you like it. It's part of a supporter shoutout special. If you're interested in seeing the other Pumpkins click here to check out the episode ^^
The Adventures of Astatine is back from hiatus! I made some small updates to the earlier chapters and posted Chapter 10.
As the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney submission period will be coming to a close in less than an hour, if you have been reading The Silver Sorcerer and have enjoyed it so far, please like, comment, and subscribe!
Writing The Silver Sorcerer has been a fun journey! I've had this image in my head of a person meeting a silver-haired mage in the forest for a long time, and the Action Fantasy Tourney contest provided an opportunity to turn it into a story. I hope to continue adding to it after the contest is over.