Because I'm experiencing nerve pain in my arm, my work pace has slowed down considerably. That means that this week's page won't be up today as scheduled. Page 21 will be up tomorrow.
JUNE PLAYLIST: Hey Everybody! I Thought it would be cool to share some of the music I draw to with you guys (With some cool original art for an added bonus). Let me know what you all think about this idea!
Thank you all for 1000 subscribers!! I honestly had no idea we would reach this landmark so fast! As a sort of "1000 sub special" and introduction/icebreaker, here is my version of the "Meet the Artist tag". I appreciate you all and I'm so glad to have you on board for this journey!
I'd just like to give a huge thank you to all of you who have subscribed to Betwixt. I appreciate your support so much and I hope that you all will enjoy the series!