Matthew Schofield has worked on animated films such as The Iron Giant and Prince of Egypt. He currently works on The Simpsons. The Ad-Libbed Adventures of Steamroller Man is his first webcomic.
Sorry, no new page this week!
When I started posting this comic online, I had eleven pages of the first twelve page story done. I thought if I posted one page a week, an eleven page buffer would give me a huge head start - eleven weeks - on any pages that followed. How naive I was! Bit by bit, that lead shrank due to a variety of factors. Work and family commitments, the odd bout of illness, and my own need to go back and tweak pages that were already complete, brought me to where I am today. Last week I caught up to my posting schedule, and realized I would not have the next page ready to post by today. It was all I could do to get the illustration you see here done for Monday morning!
My plan is to take a hiatus from posting pages until after the holiday season. I will still be working on pages to try and build up a decent buffer again - I just won't be posting those pages until the beginning of 2019. Instead, I will post works-in-progress pictures of whatever page I happen to be working on each week. I hope that will be enough to tide you over until the New Year.
If you've stuck with the comic this far, thank you so much. I truly appreciate every Like, every Follow and every kind word of encouragement you have given me. Please know that this is not the end of Steamroller Man. There is still a fair amount of story left to tell in the Sugar Daddy tale, and I have ideas for at least two more stories beyond that.