Hi friends! It's so weird posting here... For the longest time, I felt so intimidated by the response "Blue" got so suddenly. I going through many issues mentally and emotionally that I just couldn't handle.
Blue is not a story that I will forget about, but I gotta be honest: I was drawing it as it came, page by page. I had the story in my head but had no script, no thumbnail... nothing or whatsoever.
I was just able to get back to this account, and I just want to let you know that I'm workin on another comic on my other account: https://tapas.io/series/Tales-of-Weepingbrook
I might migrate "Blue" to that account which is the one that I'm currently using to upload Tales of Weepingbrook. Even though this one is the one that has more subscribers.
Anyways, so sorry if I disappointed people by not updating. It just got weird for me, I felt like I was standing on some ground that wasn't firm. One day I will add structure to "Blue" but alas that day might not come soon. Let's see what happens <3
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I haven't disappeared. I've been feeling a little under the weather... or "blue" hehe. I have also some problems with one of my hands; I've been in pain for a while and I'm currently taking medicine. So that's the reason why the updates have been a little delayed.
I will do my best to work very hard this week. Just know I'm still here and that I'm very grateful to all of you for supporting this project! <3 See you very, very, soon!
I'm so surprised and thankful that 'Blue' made it to Staff Picks! It's such a beautiful surprise! It's been only up for a day and a half and just a couple of pages have been uploaded but I couldn't be happier to see the positive response it has been getting so far. Thank you so much for offering a piece of your time to read it and even better if you have subscribed and liked the comic.
Again, again, again: thank you so much to all of you and to whoever brought attention to the comic that thought it was good enough to be featured. This motivates me deeply, you have no idea. Hope you keep liking what's about to come; I'm so happy to share this story with all of you <3
Ah! My bad! Thought the comic was yours. My bad, my bad. Hopefully I'm not one of those "bad comics that you want to bleach out" and if my comic happens to be one of them, then, I'm sorry it didn't fill your expectations. Have a nice day.