Buddy: "Hate to say it, but we might be a bit late. The portal is open."
Buddy: "Well, it happens to even the best just the same. Let's go."
"Healing Magic."
"Mmhm. Still a use of Magic. Only a dimwit would assume you cannot use Healing or Defensive Magic this way. I would even call them the better approach if you need to mess with organs, or... to rip out a heart."
"...Red is the color of Heresy. They carved out the First Heretic's heart as well."
"That is what I think, and... my past experiences would support the idea. Yet, he somehow keeps coming back. ...You Demons could help yourselves if you absorbed the Lifeforce of those you kill."
"No, Mistress. We do not do that because it is dishonorable to your opponent. They fought well, and if they lost, they lost because they were not strong enough. The same goes for us Demons."
"Is that really so? Huuh..."
"...I cannot go back now. I absorbed the Lifeforce of a human."
"Ah-hahahaa! Sounds like a backwards rule if you ask me!"
"There is no such a rule. That was my decision. Perhaps a human would call it flawed, but... What Ish-Khalel-dem said to the first Demons was: You shall be flawed because I am too."
"We say that he and the Goddess are a part of this world from the beginning."
"Mistress, that is not the truth, but I do not know what is."
"...Fair enough. The act did ultimately help you."
"I was left to vanish after a warrior defeated me. He did not finish me off, but I would have disappeared not before long. However, another human found me and brought me to his home. Gave me clothes and food and medicine and care. Eventually, he grew frustrated when my hands and knees started to turn to ash. One night, I found him studying anti-petrification. I realized that he did not understand Demons, but I could tell the genuine and pure need to help me so I killed him. I absorbed his Lifeforce and in doing so he helped me greatly as he wished."
"Kchh... You are something, Sister. Just do not star messing with our members."
"I have not experienced what humans would call an issue, Mistress."
"...Ahaha-hahahaaaa! Of course not! They are scared of you! Demons kill us! Hahaha! ...Almost done."
"Hrh... What is it? Ask, and I might answer."
"Why do this, Mistress? Ishpen was a large enough experiment."
"That is correct, but at the same time I cannot say if it helped or not. It was necessary. Besides, now even the city I was once from is gone. There is nothing left. Ishpen served another purpose. We can strike like that at any moment. We do not need to act often, but... they never know. It nurtures fear, paranoia... that makes them do actions beneficial to us while we do not have to lift a finger!"
"...Now... focus upon this heart and tell me if you sense anything."
"...I do not sense much, but there is a slight move of Lifeforce energies towards the North. It is impossible to intercept a soul before it lefts for the Astral plane to a greater effect."
"IS it? Because THAT IS EXACTLY what I think SHOULD be done! No matter... Hm. Change of plans then. Absorb whatever Lifeforce left in the body, if you want, and meet me at the southern gate."
"Your kindness is vast, Mistress."
"...Fhah... You cannot use Stealth Magic so if somebody sees you, it is unfortunate for them, but as always, do not be seen."
"We are going to inspect the site of the now dead Basilisk. I need to see it since you gave me an idea."
"Of course, Mistress, however, the forests at night around here are full of Horned Tartars."
"Oh? And is that a problem?"
"I believe the expression is: Child's play for a Demon. As Kahlal-dem Septimus would have put it."
"Hm-hmmm-mh. Do not take too long."
"Krukuku-gahaaa-kchaaa!! Gigigi..."
"Is... uuh... is this a problem? The Witches looked... well, friendlier!"
"Witches and Wizards are monsters, yes, but still on the more neutral side. This... is what you could call a Succubus."
"What do you mean... could..? My impression of Succubi-"
"WHAT you are thinking of are... haaa... It is the Community of Golmoran Sisters in Exile."
"...Eh? I am not sure I follow."
"The same Succubi you, and most others would think of. Different in name only. They say there is a reason due to a leader of ages past, but you can probably trust a Succubus, on this anyway, about as much as you can trust a Fairy. Almost nobody calls them... THAT."
"Hooh... They wanted to differentiate themselves. Got it. ...I think."
"Srrrr-guguguuu... Uuu..."
"...I cannot shake the feeling that she somehow resembles-"
"She is dead."
"I understand what we see, but I am not telling you to forget. I am telling you to accept it. That she is gone."
"...I know."
"This is a monster. She preys on the feelings, and your connection to somebody you knew, but you can see that it is the most the monster is capable of. A warped resemblance at most, if you can even call it one. There are worse things than being a monster's meal if you dwell on death too much."
"Some would call her an Erubea now. They all might come from the same origin, but... hah... let's leave Succubi to how we always understood them. I am sure many would agree. Now... get ready!"
"Gigigi.... Krrrrr-kururuu... KchhhAAAAAAA!! UuuuuUUU!!"