Interests: Everything can be interesting in it's own way so I try not to limit mine....
I like all kinds of music from rock, pop, rap/hip-hop, classic, blues, ambiance only thing I don't really listen to is country or gospel
show and movies tend to range from action to psychological except for one thing...I'm a nature documentary junkie *sigh there I've admitted it
Favorite reads/authors.... Acheron, Styxx and Stygian all by Sherrilyn Kenyon...Obsidian Butterfly and Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K Hamilton...The Good, the Bad and the Undead also For a Few Demons More by Kim name a few
and one of my favorite character quotes- "Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes maybe four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six." Anita Blake from Narcissus in Chains
I love this series...such an incredibly detailed world...but then the author takes the time to learn about any weapons or martial arts training from pros and how police and or other government officials work... and out of all her characters....besides the main Anita...I've always loved Edward and Olaf...bless their sociopathic and psychopathic hearts....something about their darkness is so intriguing and draws you in.