I work as a videogame artist and illustrator. I have a published novel (that is in spanish only for now) called "El grupo Domak".
I've made some comics in the past, and I want to start making more.
So, hey! In case any of you don't follow me on social media and had been wondering why the long Four Leaf hiatus, it was because I was a bit busy having a little human.
I'm just now feeling almost totally recovered from labor (after a month and a half), it's been such a ride, both my husband and I are really happy and tired, and the kid is super adorable and makes the cutest noises <3
All of this left me with little to no time for anything else, but I got only one month of maternity leave, so now gotta go back to working on comics, let's hope I survive :B
I'm still figuring out a lot of stuff with the time I have left, and there's still no set date for the come back of Four Leaf, but we're already considering deadlines with my editor, and I'm already working on season 2.
Hey everyone!
Four Leaf has reached the point where it left on Tapas, I thought some of you would like a heads up~
Find the last episode here, and see you next friday on with the rest of the story: https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/four-leaf/episode-19-guadalupes-restaurant/viewer?title_no=1454&episode_no=19
Hope you're all doing well, I've seen some of you on Webtoons, thanks for following Four Leaf there :D
Take care y'all!
No time for any fancy announcements, sorry! But I've decided that Four Leaf will be taking a break while I prepare for my wedding and enjoy my honeymoon :P
Things have been crazy, haven't had much sleep the past two days, but I'll be sure to fix that next week haha.
And without further ado, I wanted to let you know that Four Leaf chapter 7 will be starting on May 10th~
All the pages are already sketched and ready for me to come back and start working :D
Thank you all so much for your readership, and your patience on this break!
OMGperfection!! YuY
Please let me share this with everyone at the end of the episode!! I didn't think I would do another fanart exhibition so soon, but this alone deserves it.
Also tell me if you share it on twitter or something like that, so I can rt.
This is so cool, thank you!!
You can totally show this off if you want! As for who they would pick to play. Clover would probably be either Daisy or toad and I'm not even sure if Lu can hold a controller. Thos tentacles are one finger each. If he could play he would probably be shy guy.
So cool! This is poetic!
Thank you so much for drawing them <33
Can I share it at the end of next episode and on Webtoons? (giving you credit, of course) I'd love to!