It's the complete first volume (first 55 chapters) plus 14 full page brand new B/W illustrations... and a FANTASY MAP!! (I love maps)
This is my first time running a crowdfunding campaign - we have a pretty lightweight goal, just the books and some additional add-ons! I'm hoping to use what I've learned from this campaign to print some more books in the future, such as The Otherknown one day (not Fall Until Summer tho - that one's being printed by someone other than me~) And of course the other two volumes of FAHAH once they're done!
Thank you very much if you decide to check it out!!!!
Hi everyone! This is extremely late notice (it didn't occur to me until now that I could share this news it's fun to include this lil graphic I made!) but I'm going to be a guest tomorrow tabling (with copies of my graphic novel!) and doing a panel at Library Con at the Pflugerville Public Library if you're in the greater Austin area! I also wanted to say thank you so much for all the likes and comments on my work. It brings me a lot of joy to know people are enjoying even if I don't always have the capacity to respond right away ❤️
FOR A HORSE AND HORSEMAN UPDATE! I'm really happy to share that we made it to the top 50 finalists in the True Love on Tapas contest! ❤️ Thanks so much to everyone who's been on this journey with me. I'm so endlessly grateful to those who checked it out, and for your comments, support, and love (and fan theories!)
The 15 winners will be decided in February. As you've probably figured by now, I've decided to go on a brief break from posting until then. In the meantime I'll be finishing up the last chapters of the first book (yes, it really is novel-length by this point!) and preparing to move into the NEXT ARC! Prose really moves fast, wow
I'll also be taking a break from updating my webcomics (Fall until Summer, The Otherknown) for a few weeks while I recover from my upcoming top surgery. This assumes they don't reschedule me of course as no one knows how to deal with cold weather in Texas lol
Thanks again to all my readers on here, and congrats to everyone else who entered the contest - 30 chapters of prose in 2 months is a huge undertaking!