Just a little reminder that starting this season(4) I will be posting new comics every-other Saturday. More details about that on my blog -->https://patreon.com/arts_by_lauren
✨Happy 2024!✨
I hope everyone had a great Holiday season! Its been a while since any updates, I decidedly took 2023 to boost my mental/social health. 2024 will have more art and stories coming!
It’s Pride month so you know what that means, right?
You are seen, you matter and we’re in this TOGETHER!
This is true during every month though, Happy Pride everyone!! :D
It's cozy season~ Little update: During this hiatus I will be making periodic posts like polls and art dumps on Twitter and Instagram. (Also here of course!) So be on the lookout ^_^
Happy New Year Everybody! Season 3 of IMS is coming back January 29th! That's right new year, new comics.
The story this round is going to be interactive. You, the readers, can help decide what happens next!
Jenna won’t be exploring Japan alone. With your help hopefully she makes the right choices…of course there are many possible disasters around every corner, so be careful!
Check out my new mini-comic on Twitter or Instagram! :D
Wow…So much happened in 2021!! But there's even more in store for 2022! Keep an eye out for a MAJOR update coming to January. Cheers to a New Year ahead!