Heads up, the next page of Unnaturals likely won't come out today! I'm about a month away from finals week and that means most of my time now is going to be dedicated to class work until I'm set free on May 7th. Page 28 of Chapter One will be posted a week from today, after I've gotten some outstanding assignments finished for this week 👍
Hi!! Just wanted to let everyone know that the next page of Unnaturals will come out later today than usual. I was performing at a convention this weekend, and the week before that was spent at rehearsals for said performance, so I didn't have much time to work on anything art related. Now that the con is over and my schedule is back to normal I'll have more time to work on it!
Hey again!! Chapter One Page 21 is still set to come out tomorrow, so no need to worry about that. I just wanted to let you all know that if you're not seeing any of the prologue episodes for Unnaturals, that's because I removed them. I drew those pages as a freshman in college when I still didn't have a completed idea of what I wanted Unnaturals to be, and as such they are outdated, both art and writing-wise. I'm working on a new prologue alongside my weekly page updates, which will be uploaded in the correct order once it's ready. In the meantime, new readers will start from the beginning of Chapter One for now, and although I believe that the prologue will provide some additional context for the story later down the line, I also think it's not highly needed at the present moment. That said, I will have it uploaded as soon as possible, so keep an eye out for that! Thank you all!!
Very sorry for not posting today like I said I would, I came down with the stomach flu last Wednesday and only started to come out of it in the past day 💀 Next week!
Hey y'all! I moved back onto campus today and am starting classes again tomorrow, so I'll be taking the week to get settled back into my school routine. The next page of Unnaturals will be posted on January 20th!
Well this is embarrassing. I'm sorry to say it, but Unnaturals Ch1P18 is being delayed again. I know I said last week that I would post it tomorrow, but Thanksgiving week was busier than I thought it would be between family, doctors appointments, and some work for my final projects that I needed to catch up on.
Next week is finals week, so I likely won't be posting anything then, either. I'm sorry you've all had to wait so long, but my classes come first: especially now. Unnaturals will finally update again on December 23rd. And I'll hold myself to it. Thank you all for understanding, I really appreciate y'all :)
Hey y'all, very sorry to once again have to delay the next Unnaturals update to next week. I'm in the depths of finals season right now, and as much as I wish I had the time to work on my main comic every day, I unfortunately do not. BUT, this week is my Thanksgiving break, and two weeks after that I'll be done with finals! So I'll be sure to have the next page up next week using the time off I have, and then after finals are over I'll be back to posting weekly updates in full swing! Thank you all so much for understanding <3
Unfortunately Unnaturals will not be updating today. It's been a hectic and intensely stressful week between the election and class work, and today rolled around before I could get any substantial work done on Shield: Page 17. I apologize for this. Unnaturals will update again a week from today.