I wanted to go with originality, but seems I need to follow the tropes of my genre. That means even changing the title )no elves in sci-fi). Not for me, I already have enough rules with my job.
Wow okay :0 Who says that though? I actually really enjoy variety and if we can have fantasy in reality related stories or romance in every other genre, why not mix up fantasy and sci-fi?
I mean, I get you, sci-fi with elves might not fit into an official genre. Not yet! That's what creativity is I think. That's how new (sub)genres are created. If you can make a good story out of these pieces, why should that be bad just because it doesn't fit in our recent understanding of sci-fi?
If there is something I've learned about creating a story then that there are no actual "rules". I mean of course there is a theory about storytelling and there are some strategies to make your story interesting. But at the end you just want to spread your unique ideas. And there will always be a group of people that has the same taste as you and like what you do. Even if it's not the majority. Forcing yourself into something that the majority likes is just really exhausting and not worth your time.
That's just my opinion though, I don't want to force you into anything either :)
Today I started to publish the book version of my comic, from the reboot version. Why book? It is helping me have much more focus on characters traits, places, events, and avoid plot holes. It is available on its original language (Brazilian Portuguese) and in English (translated). The comic will be back some day.
The Elven Starship ended up having a prequel, that explains some things that happens in the actual arc. Since the comic is on hiatus because of the art, i'll do a reboot, starting it from the prequel, instead of the actual arc. The title will make more sense this way.
BTW, when I finish the new models and have the comic running again, I'll start updating the old comic about 3D modeling, to show what has been done to make The Elven Starship possible. I hope what I learned can be of use for other creators.
If someone is asking: yes, the comic "The Elven Starship" is on hiatus until the new models are ready. When everything is ok, the publication will resume.
This is an example of the work being made with the models now. The new models will be easier to control, and the textures will have a hand painted feel and more constrast. Also the hair is made with the hair system and a special shader, replacing the actual hair that is draw by hand.