Português: Então, eu estava pensando em fazer uma comic, e eu já tenho planejado mais ou menos o roteiro, só falta baixar o programa Paint Tool Sai, mas não sei que site é confiável... Alguém poderia me mandar um link?
English: So, I was thinking about doing a comic, and I already have more or less planned the script, just need to download the Sai Paint Tool program, but I don't know which site is reliable... Could anyone send me a link?
may be a little late lol but I think I downloaded it from here: https://www.systemax.jp/en/sai/ but it costs around 50 dollars or smth (idk if you knew this or not)
if you don't have the money or don't want to buy it, there are lots of other free alternatives, just inform yourself on youtube or ask other artists! :3