The moment I stubble upon Inkblazer (all thanks to "Gravston" by Rogo) I began to pursuit the path of becoming a small time comic/manga creator. Sadly, Inkbalzer is shutting down, so I decided to move my operation to this website, and I must say, the tutorials are amazingly helpful and simpler than Inkblazer! I guess I'll have to start over, so let's roll out!
The genre of comic/manga I would usually like to do is not the simple drama, sci-fi, horror, or comedy. No, what I LIFE. LIFE consist of ALL genre together - usually in a series, and not just a one-time story-line - and it's great because you can put every element to your desire in a single story. It's tricky though, because how are you suppose to bring fantasy and sci-fi together (not in Comic-Con, though, it's a war-fair out there! XD)? I have my own trick up my sleeves, so I'm good. ;)
Oh, if I ever began to develop a series of my own, just know that there are two types of creator/author: The Architecture, or The Gardener. It is a metaphor (obviously) of how an creator/author creates their story. I won't go into detail, you can figure it out yourself with the power of the INTERNET! So for now, know this...I am a Gardener.
Enjoy my work if you ever get a chance to see it! X)