Haha thank you! Most of the series ended pretty quickly sadly. But while TAE is on break, I'm writing up the entire series before continuing the comic! Atm, I'm most active on Discord, but hope to pick up the pace on tumblr.
As a follow up, I’m extending the break for many reasons. No, The Airship Experiment is NOT cancelled. However, I am still sick, and the rest of December I have: my friend’s birthday, chistmas presents, two secret santas, christmas itself, my brother is moving, and MY birthday. I won’t stop working on TAE, but this is the perfect time to take a break while also building a proper buffer. TAE will return the first Tuesday of January: the 3rd!
Sorry to do this so soon again. I planned on making a buffer this weekend. I ended up getting sick (and I still am), the EXACT reason for a buffer. The comic will return on December 13th!
I am sorry to announce this mid-chapter, but The Airship Experiment will skip one week (Nov 8th). I am sick and I didn’t have the chance to make a buffer. I cannot draw right now because it’s the type of sickness that makes all my joints sore, including all joints on my fingers. I don’t believe I’ll get better in time. See you again November 15th!
In undertale, they're known as Ficus Licker and have no known gender. They're in the back of the restaurant, plus a secret room you can only get to when hacking!