I was going to post this at the beginning, but I forgot.
Hopefully you've enjoyed it so far, whether you're out, in the closet or questioning, I hope you have a good pride month
Okay, I've currently got two comics in sketch, and a few I have an idea on how I want to make them.
But I have to get through all my homework before I can do much more then sketch
And I go back to school Monday so lets hope I can just sketch a lot during the first few weeks and then slowly finish and upload
Honestly, I'm terrible at updating. But I've had a lot of homework and studying and tests recently, but over the next three weeks I should be able to start making sketches for the next sets of comics (I've also currently got one in the works)
Hey, hey, hey, I know I haven't updated since Valentine's Day, but I have a few comics in the works. But, I do have a lot of homework right now, so I'll try and update as soon as possible, but be patient, please?
Thank you ^.^
((Have a sketch panel for the next comic though))