The Pumpkin Sells Real Estate #18 is available now on my Gumroad shop!! You can see how the rest of Lantrell and Yumi's conversation plays out right now! 🎃 Remember, no spoilers for other readers if you do read the rest of the issue early 🤫
Find it at
Little update!
So, first up: my comic Queenie Kane is starting release here on Tapas, and I’d super appreciate if you checked it out since I’m really happy with how it turned out ☺️
Next, The Pumpkin Sells Real Estate is on track to return by September! I’m hoping to have consistent updates through to the end of the year, and I super appreciate the patience while I try to keep a healthy work pace.
Also, if you haven’t heard, I released a short graphic novel in print recently—check out The Penny-Farthing Mystery Club on Amazon (and my Gumroad store for the digital edition)!
Regular updates are continuing for Wrong About the Stars and Go For Rich!
Okay, that’s all for now. Thank you for sticking with me, my darlings! ♥️
Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and explain real quick why there were no updates this week, if you didn't see the most recent Heyday Kids episode. I've been traveling and really needed a break. Updates will resume as normal this Wednesday with Aces! :)