Hi everybody! Updating on Frankenstuff, the hurt wrist I referred to in my previous update has turned out to be tendonitis!
For a while, I was unable to hold a pen, move my wrist, flex my hand and so forth, it was pretty bad! My wrist has been slowly on the mend, I've seen a doctor, got braced up, and may be following up if things feel like they're stagnating in the healing process. Now, a month and some days later I'm able to write and draw in short stints so long as I don't apply pressure. Forgive me for consistently putting off updates, this wasn't at all what I anticipated! Frankenstuff will be out as soon as I can! It may be a while before I'm able to do consistent work! I apologize!
I'll keep you all updated as I continue to work on healing, godspeed to you all!
Hi everyone! First I would like to say, the Frankenstuff holiday episode is finally here!
I apologize if anything feels a bit choppy or rushed, to get it out before the end of December and to take it easy on my hurt wrist, I unfortunately had to make some cuts and push a few parts! Regardless I hope it still reads as the fun, spoof Christmas special I hope it to be! Enjoy and I'll see you all when Frankenstuff resumes at the end of January!
Secondly I wanted to say thank you for one year of Frankenstuff! How lucky have I been to have all of your support as it helps me to be able to keep making it. Your love for Frankenstuff has been something extraordinary and incredibly special to me, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I hope you all love Frankenstuff as much as I love making it for you all! I am forever grateful for all of the love, and reads and all of the incredible milestones we've met this year it wouldn't be possible without you!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, See you all in 2025!
Frankenstuff holiday episode should be out tonight, still coloring some pages but have been greatly slowed by hurting my wrist! If not tonight, first thing tomorrow morning and I'll add some concept art that I made for the episode as a thank you for sticking around!
Projected Episode Release date has been pushed to the evening of the 26th or evening of the 27th! To apologize, here's the official announcement!
The Frankenstuff Christmas special is on its way! I've been pulling a lot of late nights to pull this all together but don't want to work all of Christmas Eve or Christmas so that I can spend it with my loved ones and while I'm sure you all can understand, here's little sneak peak until then! Happy Holidays all!
UPDATE: Due to the cruel and unforgiving nature of college finals, instead of the regularly scheduled update there will be a fun, chaotic and spooky holiday au episode released December 25th as a buffer with episode 7.2 being released sometime in January, 7.3 being released, hopefully, around the same time! Thank you for your patience and understanding and I'll see you all soon!
Hi all! Excited to announce that, as I've finally gotten a brief holiday break and the end of my first college semester coming up, I'm going to have an incredible amount of time to work on some episodes for you all! I'm going to try to space them out enough to leave room to stay ahead but for now, here's the outlook given nothing crazy happens!
Episode 6.1 & 6.2 are finally out! (They can be read separately or in a single episode!)
Episode 7.1 release tomorrow, November 27th Noon EST!
7.2 is almost done and is projected to release December 15th!
7.3/8 Will likely release last week of December/first week of January 2025!
There will be a single episode release of episode 7 in January after all parts are done as well!
I don't want to make promises beyond this as I'll be going into my second semester of college with all new professors and an all new workload and schedule to adjust to so things may be a little less consistent then while I find my footing but you all will be kept in the loop as much as possible!
Thank you all for sticking with me! Happy holidays to those who celebrate!
Hello all! As some may have seen that a placeholder was posted for episode 6 part two! The actual pages will unfortunately be delayed to tomorrow morning as I've run into some technical difficulties! However you all will get episode 6.2, episode 6 with parts one and two combined for those who may be preferential to it, panel teasers and episode name teasers for episodes 7-10! Stay tuned! I can't wait to give you all more Frankenstuff content soon!
Hello everybody! I'm sorry to say but with as busy as my full-time college schedule and other life things have been keeping me, the progress on episode 6.2 is at a very slow crawl and will sadly NOT be out this month, the goal is sometime in October, sooner than later! Thank you all for being so kind and understanding! I hope to see you all soon!