So.... I guess I have some explaining to do.
While I love Allstars and want to continue with it, now isn't the right time for it.
I want to be able to give you the best of the best, and it still needs so much work.
I'm really sorry again guys. I'll pick it up again it the future but for now its in the storage closet.
I have loads more comic ideas that I can't wait to share with you, so look forward to that.
I hope you understand.
See you later my starlings.
Hey hey hey starlings!
One month until Allstars comes back, bigger and badder than ever before!
I'm in the middle of making a buffer, so we sill try to have regular updates for the first time ever! Also with the buffer, it will allow me some time to work on pages when I go back to college in two months.
I can't wait for you guys to see the new look and get to know the characters!
Hey guys, thought I'd share before I went ahead and did it.
I didn't like how I started Allstars. I knew how I wanted it to go and didn't execute it properly, so I went and re-drew the first page (how it was supposed to start).
I'm still fairly new to this, so please try to bare with me as I delete episodes or do some weird stuff.
Thanks again for reading, new pages to come soon!