Hello! If you're seeing this you're probably a very adventurous person--because as of the time of writing, I have no comics, and due to the file sizes I normally work with, I doubt I'll be posting any. <><'> So, what then am I doing here? I'm here because a very AWESOME person named Fyrepyromaniac has chosen to only post her wonderful art here! So, I came. GO CHECK HER OUT!
Other than that, if you're bored, look up 'Destined to Lead: Damage'. Just do it. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.
Hi! I know it's super late, but I've been horribly busy for the last couple of weeks. Thank you so much for subscribing to Life is Peachy, means the world to me!
Actually, you can look it up. That's what the acronym means, and from what I can tell, the organization has more to do with helping youth and immigrants than anything else. (Mind you I did about a minute of browsing the local one's website to come to that conclusion. I could be wrong.)