Much appreciate on your picking up Pandora's Scar~ I think it's awesome that you are making Crystal Knights with your daughter- all the best with it ^-^/
I'm going to experiment with some different times posting, and see if that makes a difference in how many people "stumble" on the comic. The next couple of pages will drop on Tuesday afternoons.
I did check it out. Supernatural horror really isn't my thing any more. Maybe once upon a time it was. But now I'm all old and life is full of too many real monsters, you know?
I think here is the place to be for posting a comic on-line. People are supposedly here to read them, after all. I saw more than several new pages on your comic the other day. This must be your main site now?
Yeah, this has become one of the go-to sites to read webcomics, haha.
And nope! This is still just a mirror. There's only one more page before it reaches where the main site left off ^^ Which doesn't matter because my old site was borked back in February. XD The (newer) main site will be up when this semester's shenanigans are over.