You have no idea how relived I am to have this page finished. Been sitting on my computer for months! Just cause life, and I've been busy.
Anyways, this is a test page for my upcoming long form comic, Black Rose of Kendra. I had several ideas and thoughts about how to go about the comic artistically. I think I found a happy medium, though some stuff I am unsure about. But when I do start working on it, hopefully it should work itself out.
Also a note, this page isn't an official page for the story I'm doing. It was based on a page I did several years ago for a community project on Deviant Art that was kinda like a Hunger Games for original characters. I never completed my thing in time, thus never entered. But I did think the old page was a good candidate for a revamp of the page along with it being a test page.
ALSO, all critique on this page is welcomed! If something looks odd, incorrect, or hard to read/understand, please let me know! I want to improve!
EDIT: Went back and fixed some things that were bugging me! Much happier with the page now, although I'm still struggling with the font in the speech bubbles.
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