Hi! My name is Kathryn, or just Kat if you want. I'm an aspiring artist that has a love for visual storytelling. One of my favorite things to do is design characters and tell stories about them!
Forgot to say this yesterday, but I finished a short story comic called "My story: A trip to the Dermatologist"! It's for a zine called "My Story: PCOS". It's about my experience with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome). If you haven't checked it out, please do!
Also, now currently working on another comic for another zine, but this one will be 4 pages and in color. Looking forward to sharing that story with all of you!
I have a new comic up in One Shot Comics! Check it out!
Also since that page is finally finished, I can now work on other comic projects I want to do. Still need to finish that art test and commission I've been talking about... -_-
Been super busy recently! Between my new job training, interviews for a 2nd job, and a art test I need to finish for another job, I've had little down time. Boy, I feel tired!
Anyways, since I can't work on any of my comic related projects at the moment, I wanted to drop by some links to other places that I post at, that are non comic related.
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/LittleKatydid
My Art Related Tumblr: http://little-katydid.tumblr.com/
My DeviantArt: http://little-katydid.deviantart.com/
My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/little_katydid/profile
I have a couple ideas for comics. Here's a list for future projects!
Black Rose of Kendra
A long format comic that's in the works. My baby and biggest dream that I want to be realized. I've been working on the concept art and script for a few years.
9 Lives
A short form charity comic I want to do about the cat's I've had in my life. I also may be open for guest submissions when I start work on it. I want to donate all proceeds to Cats In Need of Human Care, a local rescue group that's no kill and aims to put cats into loving homes.
Misadventures in DnD
An episodic comic that will be focusing on the more funnier moments I've and others have had while playing Dungeon's & Dragons! From a barbarian accidentally overusing their strength, to a spellblade falling through a hole they failed to noticed, the comic is aimed to be funny with "I know that feeling" antics.
Gaming with Friends
Another episodic comic I want to do. Focusing on funny moment's I've had while playing online with my boyfriend and his friends. Moments from Left for Dead and Terra will be featured.
Guest Comics
I have done some work with a friend as a guest artist on one of her comics, Social Hangover. I'm interested in doing more work as a guest artist on other people's projects that I'm interested in.
Fan Comics
Well... I admit that if I LOVE a series, I have a tendency to make fan stories and fan characters. Sometimes I draw them, sometimes not. But one thing is for sure, once I fall for a series, I start imaging myself in that world, or what if scenarios. I've even made full length, fully developed stories in my head about them to the point that I want to illustrate them in comic form. Sadly, the games I love the most are at a point where there may never be another one in the series ever made again. (*Cough* Darksiders *Cough* Legacy of Kain. Get your butt in gear Nordic Games and Square Enix!)