My heart melted into a puddle as Max's long brunette braids swayed in the wind while she ran. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I didn't stop starring until she'd run past the bushes and I couldn't see her any more.
It took me awhile to snap back to reality. I only did because someone saw me on the side of the road and thought I was schizophrenic and I had died or some shit and called the cops.
"Hey excuse me ma'am are you doin' okay?" An officer asked.
"Huh oh uh y-yeah t-totally!" I said awkwardly. I overheard the lady who called the cops talking to them. She was whispering: 'So I just saw her like that and I think she might have schizophrenia or something. I'm not sure but she definitely not right in the head!'
"Um what's happening?" I questioned the officer.
"Well this hear lady thinks you have a mental illness and that you may be on drugs and ODed."
"Oh no, NO! That's not what happened at ALL!" I confirmed. The cop nodded and wrote something down on his notepad.
"So would ya mind telling me what happened?"
I tensed. But gave in.
"So umm I met this girl the other day, I was walking her home and she lives just there," I pointed to Max's driveway. "Anyways I kinda like this girl and just as I started walking back to my house which is just over there," I pointed to my house a couple streets down. "So I was walking home and she calls out wait and I turn around. Keep in mind I have a HUGE crush on her. She runs back to me and kisses me on the cheek, and I just freeze ya know?"
"Yeah. Okay good thanks for telling me." The cop replied. "OI BOYS PACK IT UP! ALL MUST A MISUNDERSTANDING!" He yelled to the other officers. The rest of them packed up all their gear. The lady drove off followed by 2 cop cars. The words ' NSW POLICE ' flashed in my face as they left.
I had enough time to gather my thoughts on the walk home. But o didn't use that time to do so. The whole walk home all I could think about was:
'WAIT! Sup? *kiss* K bye see ya on Monday!' I had that moment going through my mind on loop for 20 minutes. Along with the casual 'WHOOP WHOOP THTAS THE SOUND OF THE POLICE!' Ya know that song 'Sound of da Police' by KRS-One.
I arrived home and was welcomed with a hug and a friendly bop on the head from my mother.
A teacher puts a girl who sits in front of Kylea Calico together for a project. The girls do the project and become close friends. After a while they both realise they are slowly falling for each other. Kylea and Traci are both very confused but they try theirs bests to be with each other as much as possible.
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