Since the beginning of the universe and the death of the first human—Yin and Yang have stood between the sides of the Gate of the Afterlands as if they were placed holding statues. Never moving from their post unless the Priestess ordered them to do so.
As extremely powerful yokai with almost endless spiritual energy, the two do not need to eat or sleep. Forever they stayed at the gate and defended it from harm.
If any of the souls acted out of order and even tried to run away, it would be Yin and Yang’s job to neutralize them. Their strength and powers were too much for the human soul to do anything about it—leaving any troublemaker completely helpless.
And because of their duty, Yin and Yang are revered as deities—Grim Reapers who punish the sinful souls who try to escape punishment.
The two yokai have always been the guardians and never once have they left the station of the gate on their own…except a single moment.
The reason why this moment happened is honestly not anything special. There was no deeper meaning or scheme from a higher power that was involved in the scenario presented. Instead, the first domino that fell happened because of a simple reason…Yang was bored.
While standing by the Gate of the Afterlands and looking over the Spirit World which was vast, lifeless, and shrouded in gray clouds Yang and Yin stood guard imitating an intimidating aura as the line of cloaked souls calmly walked through the opened doors.
Yin was calm and collected as always while Yang seemed to be shaking. The erratic movements of his partner did not go unnoticed by the masked boy as he looked over.
“Yang? What is wrong?”
“I’m bored,” Yang answered quickly, her voice sounding very annoyed.
“Bored? What do you mean?”
“I mean I’m bored! All we do is just stand here and keep guard!”
“Because that is our duty Yang. And it is one of the most important duties in the Spirit World. If there is no order at the Gates of the Afterlands, how can you expect the souls to pass on peacefully?”
Yang grumbled.
“I know! But…can’t we just move away from the gate for a little while? No one’s causing trouble now!”
Yin scoffed.
“Move and go where?”
“To the Forest of Harmony! There is delicious fruit down there!”
“Yang…we don’t need to eat.”
“W-well yeah! Because of our spiritual power, we never go hungry or get tired like other yokai—but I heard from pacing spirits that the fruit is the best! I just…want to taste it!”
Yin shook his head.
“Nonsense! Do not forsake your duty for something as trivial as fruit!”
“Aw~!” Yang started to whine. “But all I have ever tasted is the cold rainwater that the dragon Kapasumera pours down from time to time!”
“That does not matter!” Yin hissed. “We shall only move unless the Priestess orders us otherwise! So remain calm or—“
“You know what?”
Yang lifted her mask and stuck her tongue out at Yin.
“Screw you! I’m gonna get that fruit!”
The masked girl then moved as fast as the wind as she scurried away from her spot and ran off. Yin looked over the horizon in horror.
With the same level of speed, Yin chased after Yang. In a few seconds, he found himself in a forest filled with glowing golden leaves and healthy branches. Hanging from the golden trees were fruits shaped like hourglasses—the skin of the fruit was pink and they left off a spicy smell.
Yin scrunched his nose, not being able to take the spice.
“Yang!? Where did you go!?”
“I got one!”
Yin turned quickly to the left where he heard the excited voice of Yang. There he saw his partner holding one of the strange fruits in her hands and licking her lips in anticipation.
The masked boy stomped over to the masked girl who rolled her eyes.
“This is not a joke! Return with me to the gate or else the Priestess will be upset!”
“It’s fine!” Yang argued. “If anything happens we can make it back in a second!”
“That’s not the point you fool! We are not supposed to leave regardless!”
“But you just left your post, didn’t you?”
“I’m just going to eat this fruit then come back! Unless you want to eat one with me you can't hurry back to the gate!”
Yang opened her mouth, ready to take a huge bite out of the fruit. But Yin, who was standing close to her, was fuming with anger.
“I CANNOT go back without YOU!”
Yin then roughly grabbed Yang’s right hand forcing the fruit out of her palms. Yang snapped her head around to Yin—her red eyes flashing dangerously.
“What’s your problem!?”
Yang used her free hand to push Yin off of her. The super strength that the masked girl used was enough to make the small boy fly and smash into a tree behind him. Seeing Yin fly back made Yang gasp aloud in worry.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Yin! I didn’t mean to—“
It was a quick reaction from Yin. Instantly, he closed the gap between himself and Yang and punched her across the cheek. The girl went flying into the other side of the forest—leaving a trail on the dirt floor. Yang got up quickly, snarling like a maddened dog while Yin was standing in his iconic fighting stance.
“To push me in such a way…means that you lack respect for me.”
Yin’s voice was dark and fog began to cover the entire forest.
“Perhaps I should teach you the folly of toying with me…”
Yang got up and quickly matched the same murderous intent as Yin.
“Perhaps I should teach you what happens to those who bruise my delicate face! I will make you bow on all fours and kiss my feet for forgiveness!”
“Ha! Let’s see you wild cat!”
The two masked spirits launched themselves at each other. The moment their fists connected a massive shockwave shook the whole area. For the first time in history—Yin and Yang were about to use their own powers against each other.
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