At the break of dawn, the toxic Crimson Fog rapidly recedes. If Zov'ha wasn't so rudely interrupted on her morning stroll, she would, like every other day, have taken a deep breath of fresh cold air, which would have been heavy with the congruous scents of pine, fallen snow, and the radioactive-tinged excrement of the Giant Xerbian Horned Bat.
Aekis on the other hand, doesn't need a mask --- if the Fog affects him in any way, his Autoichorium fixes it.
There is a lot of bitterness here! 🤔 His warning seems genuine to me but on the other hand she seems to carry a lot of heavy feelings and feels abandoned 😔 beautiful panels! I can say that over and over 😁💜
Asenya: Illustrated Shorts is a collection of scenes from the great country of Asenya, which is a part of my world called The Purged Lands. The chapters will not be connected as they may be from different timelines. However, there may be repeating characters such as Zov'ha, Aekis, Yar'cax, Amaha, etc...
To get a better idea about my world, please read my Tapas novel "The Adventures of Zovhara Ashfrost":
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