Bit of a slanted shout out to The Martian. I really enjoyed the book. I have a bit of preference to science based entertainment as you may have guessed after my previous mentions of Mythbusters.
There is a good amount of me on this page. I came from a pretty big family. My mom had over 50 1st cousins. And they were very close. So I was very familiar with my mom's cousins. But when I was younger the relation was a bit harder to verbalize. Since the would be my first cousin once removed. Unfortunately google wasn't around then, and it was a bit unsure if they were my 2nd cousin or my 3rd cousin. It was easier to just call them my aunt or uncle. They often played that role and would see them fairly regularly. Fairly close family for the size.
Ryan Ruffatti -
Moomie Swan -
Jessica Soto is no longer waiting for the future to arrive. She is putting everything she has into creating working teleportation device and will not rest until she succeeds. How much will seeking this accomplishment take from her? Why does she want teleportation so desperately?
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