I like when we can do a page is basic silence. As much as Jessica is prone to talk to herself, I'm happy to have a page like this. Moomie is a good enough of an artist where I don't have to make Jessica say everything that she is thinking and doing. She can just simply be.
I think it was the most shocking thing to me going back and reading mainstream comics from the 70's and 80's is that everything is explained. There are constant thought bubbles going all the time to let me know what people are thinking or wanting to do or can't do.
I'm so glad to be past that era of storytelling.
Ryan Ruffatti - http://www.hallopino.com
Moomie Swan - https://www.moomieswan.co.uk
I agree it's weird to see comics where everything is explained. Sometimes it covers up the art so you cant SEE what it's describing. Always struck me as odd for such a visual medium. This is a great page btw!
Jessica Soto is no longer waiting for the future to arrive. She is putting everything she has into creating working teleportation device and will not rest until she succeeds. How much will seeking this accomplishment take from her? Why does she want teleportation so desperately?
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