Hi. Did you accidentally click on my profile? Hey, I get it, it happens. Or...did you purposely click on my profile? Thanks, man! It means a lot that you’re interested in me ;) While you’re here, why don’t you check out my webcomic TEETH, located to the *points in 7 random directions in the hope that one correctly indicate where the series is located* and tell me what you think! Or don’t, no pressure.
[P.S. Is this how this works? I just post something and someone will like, stumble across it, maybe? Like one day, years from now, someone will excavate it from the Past World and then maybe read my webcomic because I asked them to? Nice.]
Also, P.P.S. What would happen if I just used this as like a social media platform that no one knew about? For example, every so often I just update the Void on how my pet is doing or what my vacation was like, and then n o o n e ever finds it. Because that’s hilarious to me. But if posting here sends an alert to my subscribers (or anyone in particular—is God reading this??) then I’m going to be suuper embasassed reaaal fast........