I got an update about the Novel! I got a schedule for the release dates for series one. all week long starting Monday Jan 13th- sat Jan 18th I'll be realising every chapter of the first series of "Hubatian's Myth."
However, due to limitations on the platfrom, I did split the chapters into parts. I don't want to make you guys wait (and I alredy finished writing the series) I'll release the other parts of the chapter every ten minutes.
heeeey! Sooo when I was getting ready to announce on here that I was discontenuing the comic version of "A Hubatian's Myth" and work on a novel version instead I noticed that I can upload a novel series on here too.
I know I said I won't be publishing anymore of my stories on Tapas a coulpe a days ago but ever since I've found out, my mind has been hooked on this idea of publishing the novel on Tapas for the heack of it ever since. so, I decided that I give Tapas one more try.
A Novel version of "A Hubatian's Myth" will be published exlusively on Tapas! And instead of waiting every saturday, I'll be relasing a new chapter of the series all week long. as I'm posting this, the first series is done. I get it ready another day (it is starting to get really late for me here). Once I get it set up I'll post the schedule when each chapter for the first series comes out.
well, my absance on here didn't last long had it? lol. well, I'll catch you guys soon with the series novel.
I forgot one thing! if you're wondering about Serva Nova, don't worry its still in develoupment. I had to put it on pause for a moment so I can play catch up for "Hubatian's Myth" series.
Hello everyone! Sorry for suddenly going quiet on here. I took a break and I’m ready to get back to it. But before I do, I want to talk about two things.
So first off is the “a Hubatians myth” series. The second series for it is in development as I’m posting this! However, the series itself might go on a major hatius as I want to put a lot more effort on the artwork for series 2 because we finally get in knees deep with the lore of the story.
also its mostly to keep the pressure of needing to post a chapter when its finished off of my sholders. I don't want the writing or the visuals become sloppy and rushed to get finished.
And now for the second thing I want to talk about is something new im adding to the table. I’m making a brand new series called “Serva Nova”. The story has a sci-fi fantasy setting where the main character joins a band of alien treasure hunters to seek out a long forgotten relic. As I’m writing this the first chapter of “Serva Nova” is currently being worked on.
Ok, I think I’ve made this post longer than it needs to. So, I’ll see you guys soon with series 2 and stay tuned for the first chapter of Serva Nova.
this is it, the final chatper of "A Hhubatian's Myth" is getting close. well, the final chapter of the first series. i figured since this is going to be the last one of the first half I'll be putting chapter six into one big episode.
Chapter six will be comming out this weekend, get redy for the final battle
hello! just want to give you an update that chapter five of "A Hubatian's myth" series is finished. and the first part will comeout sometime this weekend, so keep an eye out.
hello Everyone! I am back from my break and started to work on the A Hubatian's myth series. as of right now I am currently working on Chapter four of the series.
My attentions was to release chapter three and then chapter four hence why I haven't have chapter three out yet, But chapter four is taking longer to get done than I thought. So I thought I go ahead and get chapter 3 all set up and hopefully get it out sometime this month.
until then hope everyone has a good day and a Happy Holiday.
hey y'alls. just popping in to give you a quick update.
Chapter 2 of A Hubatian's myth is finished! I'll begin posting new episodes of chapter 2 on Saturday.
keep an eye out as we meet new friends and a familiar face to Lucas.
Hello everyone, I'm just doing a quick pop in to tell you an update with the "A Hubatian's Myth" series.
So first off the second chapter is being worked on as of writing this post. although I don't have a clear date to when it'll come out. I did make a decision to release the second chapter when ever its ready. I don't want the pages to look rushed to make it to a certain deadline. plus, it'll ease off a bit of stress.
In this chapter you'll get to meet Lucas' friends just like this one. until then, hope you have a good day and have a safe pride month.
sorry guys, I'm experiencing a delay with the publishing on tapas right now. I'm working on it to get out here, in the meantime it is available on webtoons until I can sort this out.