Hello! You can call me Spinne. I'm a young (broke) adult trying to live the artist dream! I like to draw cute, little, creepy things, so if you're interested in that stuff, then this my friend, is the place for you! Feel free to also check out my Redbubble!!!
Hey friends I'm currently out of paper so I can't produce anymore comics until I'm able to get more, (I'm a tradition artist, not a computer/tablet/ect one) so if you could help a Spider out and maybe buy something from my shop or support me on Patreon? (links are under my profile). Thanks <3
Okay! So the plan is that I will update Mundane Life next Friday as long as I have three episodes prepared for the next three weeks (including next week) so that you all will have some consistency for at least a while, and I /may/ post a short Mother's day thing this Sunday. We'll see. Just depends on if I can make it Mundane or not.
There is also a Spinne episode scheduled for next Wednesday, which I will post on my patreon tonight or tomorrow, so if you have an extra ten dollars lying around and wanna use that on your local gothic artist... <3 (link is in the side bar under my profile.)
In case you didn't know already, I'm now on Patreon, and if you support me, you get access to my comics earlier!
Link is on the side bar of my profile under my about!
I'm very sorry that I haven't uploaded anything this week. Now that I'm all set up in school I should be getting right back on schedule starting this week.
Just as a little hint to the next ML episode, it's going to be very... Za(h)ny.
Today was my first day of college, and it was really great!
That being said, I’m going to try and update Mundane Life as usual so far this Friday, but since I am now going to school and have an assignment (maybe two? IDR.) due this weekend, it may not be too long; maybe a kind of filler page. If I don’t get ML updated, I’ll try to at least get out a Spinne page this weekend.