*sigh* Another bad news update. Sorry guys but there will be no comics this week due to my lack of a functioning drawing tablet. I'm currently working on getting an intermediate replacement until I get a Wacom.
So with that said, that means, GOAB will be back next week while I'll have to push TOB back by a week. Please bear with me until then. ☮
Talk about art imitating life. In my case though, it's the other way around. In last week's Gamer on a Budget, I made fun of the fact that I'll have to use my PS4 money to get a new PC for work and making comics, but now, my computer has completely given up; almost as if it's saying "Fuck you Daptosto! That last comic wasn't funny at all!" So now I'll have to wait until my new PC is ready before I can post my new comics. That should be sometime next week so it won't be too long. Please bear with me till then! ☮
You may be wondering, "where is last weeks Tales of Belial page?" I apologize for the late update but due to some idiocy on my part and technical issues with my drawing software, I lost a good amount of work. Because of this, I was not able to post a new page. However, there is no need to worry, everything is back on track so look out for a new page this weekend.
Thank you guys so much for your understanding and continued support.
Daptosto Comics