Hi Me Its Me!
I wanted to let you know that I went to the Tapas forum to check it out and started some threads there under Art/Comics.
Would you consider joining in?
I sure would enjoy your input!
Hey Me Its Me! I wanted to thank you for your continued support, but also to let you know that you have influenced and inspired my art! I now use a variation of your method that I call my ink spot method. I also have an idea for a cartoon or animation that you have inspired: I saved a 5 gallon plastic water jug that split and am thinking about using as a backdrop for a Me Its Me sort of setting. It's good seeing you around, and I look forward to enjoying more of your creations!
I think, Davey, that we, as artists, have the duty of help one to another. Knowing that in someway my work inspire yours is probably the best reward I can asks from my profession. Im a very religious person when it comes to art, Davey, and I Do (😜) believe that art is a two way relationship of give and be given. At the end the artist is not just the one who makes it, but also the one who recieves it. Glad to hear about you and your work!
"Don't hide your light under a bushel" came to my mind when i read your words, Me Its Me. I love doing my art almost as much I as I do sharing it.
"Artists have an important function in any society: To explore alternatives to conventional notions on how we live" is part of a quote by the sociologist John Micionis. Exploring alternatives, as artists, is our responsibility.
Hey i had a really good time reading your series, so keep on the good work! And thank you for passing by and take a look to what i do, that speaks a lot!