Hey guys, updates may be especially patchy the coming few weeks/month. I got a full time job offer, and I think I'll like the job! But it's gonna take me a bit to go through the hiring process and establish a routine for it, and probably moving as well. I'll still be doing Prickly Pear, everything is just chaotic right now- in a good way :) Eventually I'll be able to settle down and do the updates as regularly as I can. Im @salemvhs on twitter if you ever want more updates! As always, thanks for reading <3
Hey guys, I'll be updating tomorrow because today its Turkey Day in the States! I would've mentioned this sooner but honestly I kinda forgot about it haha Thank you for reading <3
Hey guys!
No update this week so far because of shenanigans! Shenanigans meaning my Mum sprained her arm and can't use it, and a car wreck (surprisingly, the two aren't related).
Thank you for being patient!
Just saying Happy Halloween and thank you to all the creators that initially introduced me to the wonderful world of web comics. You guys continue to inspire me with your art and dedication. Maybe if I can get my life together by the end of the year, I can finally take the plunge into doing a comic of my own :) This was suppose to be a simple black and white design/sketch but then I just got carried away but I hope you still like it (honestly, tell me what you think).
Hey guess, sorry for no updates this week. I was planning to have one today but the last few days have been a big terrible mess. But I have been playing with gouache so here is an Oni Lance painting! Thanks for being patient.
Hey guys! The comic is going to update in the morning (Tuesday, Feb. 28th). Sorry it's so late! In the meantime enjoy this self indulgent Hawthorne pinup.
Prickly Pear will resume next week on regular schedule. I'm just taking a mini break in between chapters right now. And later in the week I'll post art from one of my talented friends, if they aren't too busy to finish it!
Also a reminder that my redbubble is on my profile and also there is a store link on the sides of the comic posts if you guys are ever interested in buying any Prickly Pear stuff.
Hey guys, I mentioned it in my last update but I just wanted to say that my next few days will be super busy so the comic may be delayed a bit. But in the meantime here is a snippet of something I'm working on. Chibi charms! I'll share them when they're all done.