Hello and welcome! I'm generally known as bluwasp and I'm the creator of the webcomic series 'The Ship With A Face.' It's a suspenseful whimsical space adventure with strong themes! I generally don't use social media except Discord, so I mostly live there with my friends and fans.
Krita, Huion Pen Tablet, having two monitors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hey everyone, I apologize for not being able to upload this next page today like I planned. It's been a really busy week and the page is only around halfway done.
I'll work on it as much as I can, and it'll likely get finished sometime next week.
For those who are subscribed to my comic, I highly recommend joining my discord server. ( https://discord.gg/5hEphE3aSF )
It's where I frequently go to talk to my comic's community, and all sorts of updates and sneak peeks are shared there.
I even stream jackbox.tv games on a certain voice channel!