Art tips, huh?
Hm I don't know what to say really
Uh, well... I... I really don't know ( ;;;=w=)
I'd say, maybe... don't be afraid to use reference, and even take pictures of yourself in the poses you want, and try learning from those too? Cuz I used to be really apposed to using reference, but it only ever slowed me down
( ;;;;;=w=) so yah, and keep at it! I made the mistake of not scripting my stories out, and so yah, actually that's another BIG TIP! Script everything out, you don't have to go crazy with it, but at least know what you're doing at all times. If you end up at a point where you're just drawing and writing and you don't know why, or what for, then you should take a step back and look over the story as a whole. Like, in my old comic I was just drawing and grinding out pages, but I didn't really know what I was doing half the time, or why, so... yah, make sure you're writing as well as drawing!