Some dreams just would not die. For the Bedbugs, most of whom are middle-aged now and less adorable (if they ever were), it's always been the dream to create--comics, movies, art, stories, even t-shirts. Twenty years ago, a bunch of friends decided to give that dream an insect-like shape because, well, why not? It seemed apropos at the time. But unlike most insects, the dream lived beyond its short lifespan. Way beyond. One would think that adulthood and all its serious demands would dissolve such annoying insects. But, alas, some dreams just keep biting, even after one changed the sheets. We're here again, making another attempt to nourish the maltreated and long-abandoned insect. Maybe this time, the insect will be appeased and we can carry on sleeping. But you know bedbugs. They always bite.
Stories by Emman dela Cruz, Sherwin Pineda or Karen Ang
Art by Adji Garcia or Adrian Malantic