Hello everyone. I just would like to announce a bit of a change inside the chapter order of "The Butterflies Blossom" due to a reorganization of the story.
The Chapter Adla will move after the Chapter "Down in the Mire" as a closing poem for the Part one, replacing "Hiatus".
The Chapter Interlude will move before "A matter of Priority" opening the Part 2, and replacing "Hiatus End"
The episode where "Adla" and "Interlude" were initially, will be replace with two new chapter. One talking about Oracio taste in music and the first dance attempt of Bastian.
The other will talk about Bastian finding Oracio's gun hideout and Oracio teaching him how to hold it.
I was traveling this weekend to take care of the final part of my moving. And I am particularly tired. So I need to delay a bit the release of this week chapter. As I haven't finished to correct it. It will come out probably tomorrow.
The butterflies Blossom was supposed to go up on Wednesday, but I have been sick, and didn't have the chance to finish writing it and correcting the next episode. My bad for that. But it is before the end of the weekend.
Hi, dear subcrisbers. This is for the people reading "The Butterflies Blossom". Just a little heads up, the next chapters are coming soon. But my computer is in need of repair right now, which is why I haven't been able to up date anything.
As for the Day2Day subscribers, I am really sorry I can't produce more than that. Initially this was the reboot of a sery I was producing daily on another website... but those two last years have been completly chaotic in term of news that I found myself overloaded with the so much ideas that by the time I came up with a good one to create, 10 over events had happened making me missed the window of pertinence. Which is why you don't see much of it right now. But it will restart in January.