I've decided to discontinue "Kuro" since I'm going to re-boot Shiro and Kuro instead. Tho that comic will not update as often since I have very limited of time. (two children, one is a baby) So I will be taking a break from Tapastic for a while.
I will probably be back in a couple of months or so. Thank you so much for supporting all of my projects this far <3
Kuro will be deleted from this site while you can still read the other comics.
I've been updating "Kuro" about every day for a while now but ive realized that it might be difficult with family and stuff going on. Another chapter will probably be released tomorrow but I'll try to come up with a better schedule later. Thanks for your patience <3
Hi guys! i'm afraid that tonight's update won't be released since life happened and the chapter wasn't finished. So it will update tomorrow instead, usual time. I'm sorry for this guys.