No updates next week, etc.. till I get my computer back ;o; urgh putting all my computer work stuff on hold... not easy having to do that but at least I should be able to work on storyboarding, etc...
I got my Createspace/Kindle Direct proof copy and sadly the finer lines have broken and become grainy... can't figure out why ;o; but yeh won't be able to make it available for print on demand till that's fixed :\
Been pretty busy lately with a bunch of animation work that's come in recently but glad that I can still put one page out a week and with inktober over I have one day off to relax and doodle a bunch of nonsense in my sketch book
_( :3 」 )_
Some Fallen Angel stuff done for Inktober :>
Have got them uploaded on my FB art page... check it out here -
My table at the Overload convention in Auckland, New Zealand. It was a really good day and there was lots of interest in the manga! So happy ヽ(o´∀`o)ノ〜♡ There are still books left over which I'll have up for sale on