i made a comic for our friends who make You Are Hue because they needed a bit of a break. it's a small crossover between dreamDB universe and Hueniverse. part 1 (of 2) is now up :3
I made yet another unfinished game demo, but this time it's with almost all of my characters!
It's short, but it took two weeks of intense coding and drawing from scratch o_o
please play it and leave comments on itch <3
hey everyone, i made something new but it's a game/demo!
done literally in a day for a game jam. go check it out. it is very much like my webcomics, except it's a short game :3
(i don't think rating is yet available, but in case you liked it please leave a comment on the game's page)
Sup Tapasians. My submission didn't make it to the Fabulous Fantastic Sweet Sweet Final Pride Comic Contest 2021 selection. I suppose, on the grounds of being too wordy, too Russian and not very glittery. But I posted it on my website where you can read it now and tell me what you think about it! I also wrote about what it means to me, and why Pride may be different in my country. It is made very much in solidarity with Hungarian and Polish LGBT people.
also, ps: I'm sorry for no updates lately. I'm trying to take care of my health and dealing with some irl issues, and it's been literally taking all of my physical and emotional energy -_-