I'm finishing this series on my own terms.
The Untitled Heroes may return in full force and ability one day, but today , I retreat from art and passion .
The Patreon will remain closed indefinitely, any and all support received may be through Ko-Fi, and cannot receive any 'thank-you' outside of my own words.
Maiden, as a series, has become something that I'm no longer proud of.
I started making promises that I have no interest in keeping now. Storylines were made/planned that ruined and diluted my vision. And the contests and free art I began handing out took all my time and energy.
If you feel like you still need some art from me, say so, I'll do what I can to make it up to you.
I'll start fresh after a while, but that's a dream away.
Hi, I just write a new book for the AF Tourney, can help me to sub it too, link below, many thanks :D
I have recently made a plethora of mistakes. This will be the first in a long line of corrections.
I am not well, but I am currently on a slow and steady road to recovery.
The Patreon will not be deleted, however, it will be months before I release any sort of product. Support toward my Patreon will no longer go to supporting The American Maiden comic series. Said series will now be led and managed by Peter from the noble House of Palmer. He will not accept payment/support or questions at this time.
The following content promised for the Subscriber Celebration on Tapas will be made: Encyclopedia [Character Sheets, History, Charts, Maps and Powers, etc.], Maiden : Life Summary, and the QnA. The Gala Event is canceled.
To my Patrons, I will make up for the loss of the Gala Event by making any art of your choice [up to 3 images].
I see now that I am unwilling and unable to make stories about other people’s characters. As such, I can draw for you, I will give you what I owe, to the best of my ability. But I refuse to create an event I have no heart for. Thank you.
Untitled Hero Council, My vision for my discord server will live on through them. I need a break.
Please, stay strong for me. Maiden will continue, at Peter’s pace. I will offer him some guidance, but I will no longer lead the Maiden Series.