REMINDER: There will be no new episode of TLTO until the end of February. I'm prepping the manuscript for a good proofing before this summer's Kickstarter print campaign.
ALSO - Sonata 9 is available as a collected ePub and PDF for free, at Bear House Serials, if you're a diehard eReader owner, you can get the novella for .99 cents at Kobo, Apple, and (I don't deal with Amazon, sorry Kindle owners.)
Some of you may have noticed a huge amount of updates - I reposted Sonata 9 to Tapas, Pixiv, AO3, and Bear House. It felt silly not making the eBook free so I removed it from Amazon, BN, Kobo, and Apple. :/
Titus is back, but this episode finds us visiting Villa Servi in the head of Maxima Ursia (yes, she's Actus's 'old' sister) who is now married to Titus. Don't worry, next episode features Aedan and Welle planning some wild things.
I lost a subscriber after yesterdays update. I'm sorry for the heterosexuality - it happens. If its the trans characters, sorry for that too - but transfolks existed in Ancient Rome.
Not sure why I was notified of losing a sub here - I don't have enough readers at Tapas to warrant the attention. Not that I don't care about readers here, but my work doesn't really gel with the Tapas readers too much, so most of my subs/readers are at Bear House or
To those five people still reading here at Tapas, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
There’s so much going on in real life at the moment, and I’m struggling desperately to stay focused on TLTO. I managed to hammer out some dialogue, simple conversations amidst a social gathering for a feast given by Skipio and Vita as the new owners of the plantation and villa.
Conversations are all I can muster this month – it’s been so hard.
I haven’t felt this creatively stunted since since 2010 – and I took a two year writing break to shake that shit off. I will attempt to post something in the next few days – but what I have isn’t something I’m proud to put out there. :/ It’s filler that’s not advancing the plot in anyway, except for perhaps one conversation between Aedan and Welle that will lead to a major plot point episode in January.