Not like anyone cares but this is here to vent basically. I want to make SOOOO much stuff and I'm trying but it's mainly animation focused so I'm sorry about no comics but y'know whatever if I feel like it I'll make something.
Update: I've abandoned all hope. I will do my best to make stuff and create comics but I might end up taking an old series and re-working it. I think it's best to stick with comedy rather than try to make a very intense and over the top comic like I was planning. Also that may mean it'll be easier to make. I will attempt to post something soon.
Update: I'm working very hard on the new series. And by that I mean I'm working on it not at all. I have the basic story and how I want to execute the beginning end and how I want it all to look, but I can't figure out the middle, which is arguably the most important part of a story. Stay patient though, I will have the ideas for it soon, and then I'll perform the execution of drawing it. Wish me luck it will be better than Blue and Yellow.