Awwwww you are just a sweet heart thank YOU! you seriously made my morning and have me just PUMPED for more pages to get done for Justcrazy<3 thank you oodles!
*hears the voice in head* :o thank you, I really appreciate that. It honestly is my pleasure :D the story and characters are brilliant so you keep doing what you're doing and stay awesome yourself yeah <3
"O-oh! Ahn... Hi! You subscribed to Delphinium: Don't Drink The Tea! Thanks! That's really nice o-of you! Uhm... >////< We... also would like to give you... This! This virtual Hoya carnosa...s?!?! It is a symbol of our gratitude!"
Hehehehehe! *-* All true, thanks! *-*
(Hoya carnosa is a super cute flower, btw, you should try googling it)