*wipes off dust*
So... it's been a while, huh? I'm not sure why I left for so long. SAY SOMETHING wasn't abandoned in the slightest. In fact, it has accrued 179 pages since I've been gone from here and there's no clear sign of me stopping. I've also changed my name here: kaydaeh --> RobinFae. It's a much needed name change
I'd like to start uploading every page day by day until it lines up with the main site, and then it'll follow a bimonthly update schedule. Nothing here is scheduled quite yet, but there may be daily pages until about July or August. The currently posted pages also need their fresh coat of paint. SAY SOMETHING was switched to full color after all, so they will be edited to reflect that. (I even redid all of Chapter 1 so that's going to look completely different)
A lot of you stuck around despite my sudden absence. I can't thank you enough, though I am deeply sorry for not saying anything. I hope you've all been well <3
Say Something turns one year old today! So exciting!
I'm also happy to announce that I gained 100 subscribers! I can't thank enough for supporting SS and sticking with me through this four month long hiatus. My time as a full-time sub is coming to an end, so soon I will be able to focus solely on SS and my art!
Chapter 3 is gonna be the longest chapter yet with 28 pages! I also have some changes planned for the future so look forward to them!
Hope your holidays are safe, fun, and happy! That being said, Say Something will be taking a break until January 7th. And the updates may be sporadic in the near future…
Starting January 3rd I’ll be a full time substitute teacher! Finding time to work on pages will be rather difficult, but I will do my best to make sure there’s an update every Saturday. Happy holidays and have a happy new year!
Hello everyone! My apologies for not saying anything sooner, but Say Something will not be updating this week or the next week due to Thanksgiving. Updates will continue on December 3rd! Thank you for being patient!