Aaaaaahhhh thank you for subscribing to With Cat Boy & Cutie! Q///Q
I hope that it can bring some minor cheer to you while you're busy with midterms and work. qwq Take it easy and we'll be waiting patiently for your return! >///<;;;
Thank you for subscribing to Icebreaker!!!! I hope you'll have some time to work on your comics again, I'm looking forward to read more of 'Flowers for you' :)
Thanks for subscribing to Folklore! We appreciate you spending some time in our crazy world. There's plenty more ahead, so be sure to let us know what you think!
Thank you so much for taking interest in City of Blank! It really means a lot! You were in the stream last night, weren't you? It was great having you! :D
GORGEOUS art too by the way, holy crap! I adore your style! @__@
You're welcome! and I'm sorry about that too ;w; My brother suddenly used the computer, closing my browser so I abruptly vanished during the stream but still it was nice to be a part of it at least X'DD Thank you btw- your art is pretty rad as well /w\)