Hello! It's been a while since I've made a post here. Did you see??? Little Mizzi Muffet and the Spider King had gone early access! That means you can unlock episodes BEFORE they go free to read, and it's a great way to show support for the comic. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!
A reader brought to my attention that on mobile part of the comic is cut off so I will be adding a header with a disclaimer. I hope it improves your reading experience!
Hey everyone! I'm trying something a little different for Ch.9. Instead of posting each page individually, I will be adding new pages to the launch page of the new chapter. That way I don't have to wait till the end to converge them, and I don't have to feel guilty for deleting your wonderful comments. PLEASE let me know what you think of this new style of posting updates. Is it more convenient?? Do you prefer the old way?? Please share your thoughts!
It's actually a bit annoying tbh, because I'll have to scroll through all the previous pages to get to the most recent part. There's also the fear I'll miss updates because I don't always check the alerts, just the updates. You also won't appear in the Fresh section anymore. I think you shouldn't worry about merging all the pages into a single chapter - It's okay to have a 300+ page count on the sidebar (it'll look slightly more intimidating, but I think that doesn't really impact new readers significantly).... But if you gave this thought, I'll just remember to check alerts in the future!
I'm ok with it, but I won't be checking the updates as often so I accumulate enough pages (since I don't want to scroll through old pages every time).
If you update it chapter by chapter instead of page by page, how long would each update take?
The only drawback i see coming from this, is anyone on strictly mobile use, wont see any updates since tapas hasn't put a way to read activity on the app yet : ( so its very easy to miss those kinda updates
I anticipated it would affect any chances of trending, but I wasn't too concerned since tapas doesn't really do much to boost my comic anyway. But I hear what you guys are saying about being more inconvenient to read, and I want to be sure you get proper notifications. I'll continue the old way for now till a better solution comes along. Thanks so much for the feedback!
Hi everyone! Just a quick word. I got a whole bunch of messages saying people gave me ink. I know it has to do with tapas' new support system, but I know nothing else about it. Regardless, thank-you so much for your support every form. I will look into it more to thank supporters properly on this platform, I've just been so damn busy the past couple months. Big changes coming in the new year! Please look forward to it!!
Hey guys, just wanted to pimp out a comic. I went to school with Andrew and I'm a big fan of his work so check out his comic GEL!! https://tapas.io/episode/1061278