In case anyone missed my note on the last Distant Reveries post, I won't be updating this week. Since we've finally reached the epilogue I want to take this week to write it out properly and then I'll post in bulk next week. I hope everyone enjoys what I come up with! <3
Good morning/evening,
Just a quick note to say that Chapter 13 of Distant Reveries has wrapped up and I'm going to be going on a short break for the holidays. Updates will resume on December 24th!
Also as a side note I have joined BlueSky (@Nyanka1123). I don't really do socials very well, but if anyone wants to follow they can and if anybody knows any artists from here or Webtoons that uses the app I'd love to know!
I'm back! Hello everybody! So sorry about being late. I seriously meant to start posting last week, but as soon as I got back from vacation I got sick and have been essentially bedridden. But hopefully nothing else puts a hitch in my plans to get Distant Reveries finished. I'm going to try very hard to get updates out on Tuesdays and Thursdays, three pages for each update. Last year I was doing drawings to go with the chapters on ko-fi, but I'm not sure if I'll be doing that again. We'll see how my energy levels are lol.
Anyways thanks for reading and supporting me! I hope everyone has lovely day from here on out! <3
Hello everybody,
Just a quick word to say that Chp. 4 of Wizard for Hire has finally wrapped up! Hooray! It only lasted for 111 pages lol. TuT)9
I'll be going on a small hiatus for August and then in September I'll be back with Distant Reveries. The goal is to finish the rest of DR this year and then in 2025 start on Chp. 5 of Wizard for Hire (which should hopefully not be as long as chp. 4).
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summers! Stay safe and hydrated! <3
Good morning/evening to everyone,
Just a post to say that the last pages of The Vampire Detective are up and the series is now officially marked as complete!
I'll be taking December off and coming back in January with the newest chapter of Wizard for Hire. This chapter will be from Dana's perspective and I'm very excited to share it with you all!
Once Chapter 4 of WfH concludes I'll be moving back to Distant Reveries. The goal is to finish Distant Reveries by the end of 2024, but we'll see how things play out.
See you guys in the new year! o/
Hi guys! Just a heads up that I'll be participating in Inksgiving this year. Please consider supporting me and my work! Also for those not interested in advance reading of Wizard for Hire anyone who donates any amount is allowed to ask me a question (even ones that might reveal spoilers) about any of my series.
Good morning/evening,
I wanted to write an update for everything. So officially Distant Reveries is now on hiatus until next year. I'm going to be taking the rest of October off and in November I'll start posting the bonus story of The Vampire Detective that was unlocked through ink donations (A big thank you to everyone who has donated ink!).
And that's it. Thank you to everyone who reads my stories! I will be back in a couple of weeks. <3
Hi guys, just a quick post to say that chapter 2 of DR is starting. If you want early access you can head over to my Ko-Fi ( and find all of Chapter 2 available for $1! Happy reading! <3
Hello everybody,
I just wanted to write a quick post to announce that Distant Reveries has officially started updating! Yay! It'll update 3 pages every Tuesday and Thursday AND if you are interested in *advance reading* you can go to my Ko-Fi ( where all of Chapter 1 and a map of the town is available for $1. If you don't have real monies you can also purchase the chapter with 2,000 ink and I'll dm you a link to a google doc with the exact same material that is on Ko-Fi.
Thank you to everyone who has already subscribed. I hope you all enjoy the story.