Your art style in insane, such a pretty comic and the storyline is wonderful- so well done Kat for that! This is definitely in my top 5 comics which is pretty great considering how many I read ! I would give my left kidney to see photo comparisons of you guys to your characters when the story comes to it's conclusion #justsaying
I wanted to let you know that I will be hosting a 2 week-long pun contest, and wondered if you were interested in participating. It starts on the 24th of January, with episode #52. Episodes will be uploaded everyday at the same time.
I only have two rules: 1. be subscribed to my series, and 2. send me all your guesses by episode #66, as that is the last episode of the contest. I have more information about the contest on my wall, which can be reached here:
Looking forward to seeing you! I hope you will join in the fun!
Saludos, esta muy bonita tu historia <3, queria preguntarte si toda la historia esta basada en hechos reales, adan si existe? porque a una amiga le gusta mucho a pesar de que sea mala persona XDD, JAJAJAAJAJAJAAJA EN SERIO SE CONOCIERON POR UN DIBUJO DE GOKU? SI SE TATUO LA ESFERA?
Vale, leí Stand by me en inglés y me acabo de enterar que está en español también. XD Voy a aprovechar para leerlo de nuevo, es tan romántico y bello. ❤❤❤