After a rather long wait, I'm happy to announce that the latest chapter is now out! "Unto Outer Wilds" shows a bit more insight into Daisy's thoughts in the days coming up to the mission, as well as a mysterious new character and some insight into the outside world. I'm really happy with how this one came out!
It's also the first chapter that uses the new speech bubble system and font that will become standard going forward.
Hey all! Just finished updating the website to include a Data Log section, as well as a Story Recap section! I'm currently working with an artist to get a characters section, too, but that will come with time.
I've also updated the look of the website a tad bit, as well as made navigation a smidgen easier! And I do mean a smidgen; you likely won't notice lol
All that said, we're currently working on the next chapter for the comic, and we hope to have it to you by the end of this month!
I'll be sure to let you all know about anything that comes up. Until then, much love!
It's come to my attention that the comic files don't actually have the final shading pass layer on them, meaning that they're not finished; I've re-uploaded the original chapter files as a result, and am working with Brea to get this resolved!
The edits to Intrepid Mechanic are up! Don't mind the weird speech bubble change, we're redoing all the speech bubbles soon enough. I'm really aiming to have the comic be something I'm genuinely proud of, so I'm also having some scenes be redrawn to fit the quality of the rest of the comic.
The next chapter will be halted as a result, and I do apologize, but it's VERY important to me that a particular scene gets the love it deserves, and that the lettering is high-quality across the board. Much love!
Hey all! Figured I'd pop in to remind everyone we do have a Discord server! Updates are way more frequent there, and it's a cute lil' community! Come say hi!
Hey all! Our comic artist is back, so development is continuing! We're doing a general quality pass over previous chapters while simultaneously developing the new chapters, so expect things like better speech bubbles/lettering and a shading pass over characters. These changes will be rolled out gradually, but will also be rolled out with new chapters as they come out. Much love!